Corporate Social Responsibility &
Environmental Policy
At BESTIM we are committed to environmental sustainability. We've implemented a formal Environmental Protection Policy to minimise our impact on the environment and ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.
To achieve our sustainability goals, we've adopted a comprehensive approach. This includes continuous monitoring and improvement of our environmental performance, regular employee training to foster environmental awareness, and a strong focus on circular economy principles. By treating waste as a valuable resource, we minimise waste and reduce our environmental footprint. We also collaborate with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability.
Looking ahead, we aim to further reduce our carbon footprint, increase energy efficiency, promote renewable energy sources, and protect biodiversity.

BESTIM integrates the principles of its Sustainable Development Strategy into all aspects of its operations, including purchasing processes and cooperation with suppliers. Therefore, a Supplier Code of Conduct has been developed to define our requirements for suppliers regarding sustainable development.
The BESTIM Supplier Code of Conduct refers to the Sustainable Development Strategy, Code of Conduct, Environmental Protection Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Human Rights and Labor Conditions Policy, Business Ethics Policy, Supply Chain Due Diligence Report, and BESTIM's Compliance Mechanism.
The Supplier Code of Conduct forms the foundation upon which BESTIM and its suppliers should cooperate based on the principles of honesty, trust, and conducting business in a manner consistent with the principles of sustainable development.
BESTIM strives to be a good partner for its suppliers and to base relationships on long-term business cooperation, which ensures efficient purchasing, consistent delivery quality, that allows for achieving appropriate quality and price of our products.
BESTIM expects its suppliers to familiarise themselves with the Code of Conduct and the principles of BESTIM's Sustainable Development Strategy and to comply with these principles.
BESTIM aims to extend the principles of its Sustainable Development Strategy and Supplier Code of Conduct to its entire supply chain, i.e., its direct suppliers as well as their suppliers and subcontractors (BESTIM's indirect suppliers) and expects direct and indirect suppliers to meet these requirements.
BESTIM may terminate cooperation or not enter into cooperation with a supplier who does not comply with the requirements of the Sustainable Development Strategy and Supplier Code of Conduct or who uses subcontractors who do not comply with these requirements.
Conducting business by a supplier in accordance with the Sustainable Development Strategy and Supplier Code of Conduct is an key criteria for BESTIM for qualifying and evaluating current and potential suppliers.
Any supplier wishing to cooperate with BESTIM must undertake to comply with the principles of the Sustainable Development Strategy and the Supplier Code of Conduct. Suppliers who do not agree to comply with the Sustainable Development Strategy and the Supplier Code of Conduct cannot enter into a business relationship with BESTIM.
As part of its purchasing activities, BESTIM's requirements for suppliers regarding compliance with the principles of the Sustainable Development Strategy and the Supplier Code of Conduct are one of the criteria for evaluating offers in the supplier selection process - alongside the price criterion, product or service parameters, and delivery time.
BESTIM cooperates with suppliers of various sizes - from large companies to very small ones. In the case of small suppliers, BESTIM accepts a situation where they implement activities related to the Sustainable Development Strategy and the Supplier Code of Conduct in a less formalised manner. In such cases, compliance with guidelines regarding ethical principles, environmental protection, health and safety, and legal regulations, including human rights and labor rights, is expected. For larger suppliers, BESTIM expects more formalised declarations regarding compliance with the principles of the Sustainable Development Strategy and the Supplier Code of Conduct.
BESTIM intends to cooperate with suppliers who plan to continuously develop their operations in accordance with the guidelines of the Sustainable Development Strategy and the Supplier Code of Conduct.
More detailed documentation on the processes and principles we hold is available upon request.

Cezary Rektor
Członek Zarządu komplementariusza
+48 62 763 10 22

Cezary Rektor
Członek Zarządu komplementariusza
+48 62 763 10 22

Cezary Rektor
Członek Zarządu komplementariusza
+48 62 763 10 22

Cezary Rektor
Członek Zarządu komplementariusza
+48 62 763 10 22

Cezary Rektor
Członek Zarządu komplementariusza
+48 62 763 10 22

Cezary Rektor
Członek Zarządu komplementariusza
+48 62 763 10 22

Cezary Rektor
Członek Zarządu komplementariusza
+48 62 763 10 22

Cezary Rektor
Członek Zarządu komplementariusza
+48 62 763 10 22

Cezary Rektor
Członek Zarządu komplementariusza
+48 62 763 10 22

At BESTIM we are committed to environmental sustainability. We've implemented a formal Environmental Protection Policy to minimise our impact on the environment and ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.
To achieve our sustainability goals, we've adopted a comprehensive approach. This includes continuous monitoring and improvement of our environmental performance, regular employee training to foster environmental awareness, and a strong focus on circular economy principles. By treating waste as a valuable resource, we minimize waste and reduce our environmental footprint. We also collaborate with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability.
Looking ahead, we aim to further reduce our carbon footprint, increase energy efficiency, promote renewable energy sources, and protect biodiversity.
Corporate Social Responsibility &
Environmental Policy
This applies in particular to issues related to:
• Child and youth labor
• Remuneration and employee benefits
• Working hours
• Modern slavery and forced labor
• Ethical recruitment
• Freedom of association and collective bargaining
• Prohibition of discrimination and harassment
• Women's rights
• Diversity, equality, and inclusion
• Rights of minorities and indigenous peoples
• Rights to land, forests, and water, and forced evictions
• Use of private or public security forces
• Health and safety issues
• Anti-corruption and anti-money laundering
• Data protection and security
• Financial responsibility (accurate and reliable accounting)
• Disclosure principles
• Combating unfair competition and cartels
• Avoiding conflicts of interest
• Combating counterfeiting
• Protection of intellectual property
• Compliance with export restrictions and economic sanctions
• Reporting irregularities and protection against retaliation
• Greenhouse gas emissions
• Energy efficiency
• Renewable energy
• Decarbonisation
• Water quality and consumption and water management
• Air quality protection
• Responsible management of chemicals
• Sustainable resource management
• Waste reduction
• Reuse and recycling
• Animal welfare
• Biodiversity, land use, and deforestation
• Soil quality
• Noise emissions